Here is a bit of history for those interested. I received a question about the first Toyota Production System manual ever written. For many years the primary driver of the Lean / TPS efforts inside of Toyota was of course Taiichi Ohno. However for almost two decades he opposed the codification of the system into any type of manual. Some people have interpreted that reluctance o...
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TPS History
Lean Versus Historical TPS
Over on the Lead Edge I answer this months question from CEO Andrew Turner about Lean Implementation in different types of facilities. One is assembly intensive and one is more equipment intensive. My response was as follows:
I think this is a pretty interesting question and reflects the current status of Lean in many companies I visit. I often make the distinction that mode...
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Ohno Line Coversion / Toyota Kaizen Example
Here is an interesting example of Kaizen back in the machine shops of Toyota in the 1950’s. TPS originated in the machine shops of Toyota under the direction of manager Taiichi Ohno. “Ohno” style production lines were created in the engine plant in line with his concepts and thoughts on improvement. Unfortunately not many pictures exist from the time period. Here is on...
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Toyota Control Charts 1950’s Example
Quality control has a long history within both Toyoda the parent loom company and Toyota the automotive manufacturing company. Sakichi Toyoda started making looms in the late 1890’s. His work culminated in the impressive 1924 Type G Auto Loom (click for image of sample machines).
The Type G loom was noted for its non stop shuttle change and the concept of “Jidoka” or built i...
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